Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Deep Unto Deep .

            What Yahweh started " in the beginning " , He is still doing , He never stopped . If  you don't know Genesis 1:1-5 , take a quick look .

The Spirit of God was hovering over the deep ..... Holy Spirit is always Hovering . Over the earth , over you and me . Deep calls to Deep - psalms 42:7 .

God said let there Be Light ! He separated the light from the darkness ....As He hovers , He calls forth Light from inside of us , The Light of His Son . He separates that Light from the darkness that has resided in us since the fall of Adam . For the Word of God is Living and Active, sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of the soul and the spirit , of joints and of marrow and discerning  the thoughts and intentions of the heart . Hebrews 4:12 .

        And with the revelation of this , i will sometimes pray like this - Holy Spirit , hover over me ( friends , family etc ) and separate the darkness from the light ( the Living Light of Love ) inside of me . Open my ears , my eyes , and my mind to Your Truth . Rip the veil away from me .

        I pray that alot for myself , people God puts on my heart , my church etc . If you are not sure how to pray and are kinda confused by the Bible  , also pray for Jesus to teach you how to pray and to teach you His word . He will ! He will show you many Great and Awesome things !! 



    I have been praying for the Holy Spirit to "hover" so often lately! Here is a video of where I learned from Beni Johnson!

    Thank you so much for this post!

  2. You'll most definitely have to check out intercessory prayer ,by dutch sheets . He goes in depth about the Holy Spirit hovering and pulling away the veil . Its the best book I've ever read about prayer ! Glad i could help :)


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